Jack Lionberger, MD, PhD, ABIM

I am excited to bring hospital medicine to our residency program. Teaching our residents about internal medicine in a hospital setting and participating in their development, I feel, is a very exciting phenomenon to witness.
— Dr. Jack Lionberger, Faculty Physician

Dr. Lionberger grew up in rural Lancaster County. He attended the University of Nebraska where he received his bachelor's degree in Biological Science. He continued his medical education at the University of Nebraska Medical Center where he received his Medical Degree and PhD. He completed his residency at the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics in Madison. Dr. Lionberger is board certified in Internal Medicine.

Dr. Lionberger chose to specialize in internal medicine because he enjoys the pace and challenge of the inpatient care model. He finds that there is great satisfaction in working through differential diagnoses at the beginning of the case, and a successful disposition at the end of the hospitalization.

As a member of our Residency Faculty, Dr. Lionberger is responsible for teaching residents internal medicine in an inpatient setting. He conducts rounds with a team that includes a first-year physician and a third-year physician. Residents perform the primary management of the patient and he provides guidance as needed. Daily rounding discussions focus on the physiologic basis of medical decision making, the way the hospital works, and prioritizing goals.

Dr. Lionberger looks forward to working with the resident doctors. One piece of advice he has for residents is to try each day to enjoy the process of turning their immense fund of knowledge into excellent management of clinical care. Trust the training process, and engage in it fully.


Matthew Jacobsen, MD, ABFM


Eddie Pierce, MD, ABFM